No comic today; I'm going to Luray Caverns with the family. Instead I'm going to brag about the books I acquired yesterday! I LOVE BOOKS.
This one was a gift from my bestest friend Morgan!!!! |
Basically it's 1000 reference pictures of cute butts and red lips. My mom literally called it pornographic. I think it's adorable.
I love it Morgan!!!! |
The rest of the books I got while shopping at Borders. They're going out of business, so EVERYTHING is 40-60% off. Kid you not. So Travis bought me this book on Disney animation :3 |
It's got all sorts of awesome process shots and info about how a movie goes from idea to final product. |
This was like $2. How could I say no. Also, the cat illustration is basically the most amazing thing I've ever seen. |
THIS WAS ALSO LIKE $2!!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?! This book is insanely awesome I am still dumbfounded that they had placed it in the EXTREME BARGAIN section! |
This one I bought for practicality's sake. It was the most expensive of the lot, ringing up at $23 (down from $40!!). But it's so useful!! It's all about what to charge, how to write contracts, what other people are paying, going rates for illustrations/designing/etc, and how to master the business side of graphic design. I'm going to read it cover to cover. |
**edit: noticed Travis in the mirror, reading
Moonshine, a book that now costs more than three times what it originally did on Amazon. It was another awesome gift book
Aw! I'm embarressed that your mother thinks I'm sending you porn. Hahahaha.
But I love you and I'm so happy you like it! You're other books look fun!
Well, I was going to try to avoid going to Borders, but I guess now I've got to. Those books are all crazy cool. Even from your other post on them.
Hope they inspire you and help you out a lot!
Give in to the gravitational pull of the book store. Just mentally prepare to part with $50 beforehand. I'd love to see what you find!! (three cheers for boooookkkssss)